Dataset Summary


Data and Resources


      Fields of Research


          Socio-economic Objectives

            Organisations & Groups

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                Project Summary


                Data and Resources


                    Fields of Research


                        Socio-economic Objectives

                          Organisations & Groups

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                              Research Collaborator Summary


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                                            Resource Summary

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                                                  Advanced Nanoscale Materials Engineered From Diatomaceous Earth Collection


                                                  29 November 2016

                                                  High mass resolution spectra were collected from the top surface of a porous alumina nanotube structure to determine the characteristic peak fragments of a loaded nanocarrier. The presence of high mass fragments were associated with the micelle structure. Imaging analysis of the sample in cross-section then allowed an investigation into the depth of penetration of the micelles into the porous substrate.

                                                  Data and resources

                                                  Other resources collected by the researchers may be available subject to researcher approval. Please contact Dr John Denman.

                                                  This collection is related to the following projects

                                                  Advanced nanoscale materials engineered from diatomaceous earth

                                                  Period covered by the dataset

                                                  Start date: 01 Jan 2009
                                                  End date: 30 Jun 2012

                                                  Research collaborators

                                                  Organisations and groups

                                                  Data citation

                                                  Addai-Mensah, J, Losic, D 2016, Advanced Nanoscale Materials Engineered From Diatomaceous Earth Collection, University of South Australia, viewed 01 September 2024, retrieved from <>.