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                                      Prevention of Chronic Conditions in rural and remote high risk populations dataset


                                      10 January 2017

                                      This database provides evaluated models for PHC delivery to Indigenous and other high risk groups in rural and remote settings using a robust, mixed-methods approach with clearly-defined clinical endpoints. The evaluations provide stronger evidence for better ways of delivering primary care, with a focus on enhancing prevention capacities and chronic disease management.

                                      Data and resources

                                      Other resources collected by the researchers may be available subject to researcher approval. Please contact Prof Robyn McDermott.

                                      Period covered by the dataset

                                      Start date: 01 Jan 2012
                                      End date: 31 Dec 2015

                                      Access rights

                                      Access Rights may be subject to license and privacy conditions. Requests for access can be made through the listed contact. All rights are reserved.

                                      Research collaborators

                                      Organisations and groups

                                      Data citation

                                      McDermott, R, Segal, L, O'Dea, K, D'Onise, K 2017, Prevention of Chronic Conditions in rural and remote high risk populations dataset, University of South Australia, viewed 01 September 2024, retrieved from <>.