SCADA-Metro Data
SCADA-Metro covers data recording of water treatment plant (WTP) in metro area that includes Anstey Hill, Barossa and Little Para. The recordings include chemical dosing, process quality, raw water quality and many more.
SA Water is operating three WTPs in metro. They include Anstey Hill, Barossa and Little Para WTPs. SCADA is in operation in all WTPs at various levels. Anstey Hill WTP has SCADA on chemical dosing, process quality and totalisers. Barossa WTP has SCADA on backwash-waste water pumps, chemical dosing, filter overview, flocculators, plant utilities, process quality, process status, raw water, sedimentation, sludge thickeners and sum pump HWL vent fans motor. Little Para WTP has SCADA on backwash and wastewash, chemical dosing, desludge, filter overview, inlet and flocculator, plant utilities, process flows and levels, process quality, process summary, raw water, sludge disposal, treated water storage, owork water pumps.
Data and resources
Other resources collected by the researchers may be available subject to researcher approval. Please contact one of the research collaborators below.
Period covered by the dataset
Start date: |
01 Jan 1900
End date: |
Access rights
Access Rights may be subject to license and privacy conditions. Requests for access can be made through the listed contact. All rights are reserved.
Data citation
SA Water 2017, SCADA-Metro Data, SA Water, viewed 08 September 2024, retrieved from <>.