Hurren, Langman & James Engineers [Bridges and Roads] Collection
06 November 2017
Contains material related to work on various bridge and road building projetcts by structural engineering firm, Hurren, Langman and James Engineers. Includes plans and calculations for work on bridges, culverts, fish lookouts, roads, curbing and pathways, and radio masts. This category gives some idea of the breadth of work undertaken by Hurren, Langman and James. Before these items could be constructed, calculations needed to be made for quantities of materials, assessments made for wear and tear from normal use and the abnormal natural forces to which they would be subjected.
Data and resources
Other resources collected by the researchers may be available subject to researcher approval. Please contact one of the research collaborators below.
Period covered by the dataset
Start date: |
01 Jan 1926
End date: |
31 Dec 1947
Access rights
All material held at the UniSA Architecture Museum is subject to copyright protection. Please contact the Architecture Museum staff for more information.
Collection is accessible to researchers and general public. Please make an appointment with the Architecture Museum to arrange access.
Data citation
University of South Australia 2017, Hurren, Langman & James Engineers [Bridges and Roads] Collection, University of South Australia, viewed 10 February 2025, retrieved from <>.