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                                      SA School of Mines and Industries Collection


                                      06 November 2017

                                      Contains 11 series of material related to the SA School of Mines and Industies (subsequently known as School of Architecture at the University of South Australia). Includes student work of merit, pieces from various architects who designed the buildings which house the University of South Australia, some engineering drawings, and some drawings passed on to the Architecture Museum by staff.

                                      Data and resources

                                      Other resources collected by the researchers may be available subject to researcher approval. Please contact one of the research collaborators below.

                                      This dataset is related to the following collections

                                      UniSA Architecture Museum Collection

                                      Period covered by the dataset

                                      Start date: 01 Jan 1879
                                      End date: 31 Dec 2003

                                      Access rights

                                      All material held at the UniSA Architecture Museum is subject to copyright protection. Please contact the Architecture Museum staff for more information. Collection is accessible to researchers and general public. Please make an appointment with the Architecture Museum to arrange access.

                                      Data citation

                                      University of South Australia 2017, SA School of Mines and Industries Collection, University of South Australia, viewed 01 September 2024, retrieved from <>.