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                                      SEDGLEY, Walter Collection


                                      06 November 2017

                                      Contains 26 series of material related to the career of Walter J. M. Sedgley. Includes a drawing of the Adelaide University Union Building from 1927; various architectural drawings; blueprints of Dept. of Defence Furniture; architectural prints of Brisbane Town Hall; calculations and notes on various projects.; calculations for a grain silo; a copy of a drawing of a coat of arms; correspondence and reports by Sedgley as consultant building surveyor 1961-63; correspondence drafts and reports; design of structure for St Andrews Church of England, Lucindale; French-English dictionary and souvenir programme; magazine clippings on architectural subjects; a manuscript titled 'The Builder and Building Act, 1923- 53’; miscellaneous note books; notes and regulations regarding Local Government Law and Practice; notes for lecture on Building Contracts; papers and lecture notes belonging to J.G. Sedgley; items relating to the Port (of New York) Authority Bus Terminal, Manhattan, 1951; printed items, mainly regulations and government acts; receipt books, December 1957-June 1964; reference tables for stress calculations; a report on A.M.F. Hospital Committee on military hospitals; specifications for buildings; specifications of various projects 1940-70; text books, syllabus and exam papers; and a watercolour by Sedgley.

                                      Data and resources

                                      Other resources collected by the researchers may be available subject to researcher approval. Please contact one of the research collaborators below.

                                      This dataset is related to the following collections

                                      UniSA Architecture Museum Collection

                                      Period covered by the dataset

                                      Start date: 01 Jan 1901
                                      End date: 31 Oct 1970

                                      Access rights

                                      All material held at the UniSA Architecture Museum is subject to copyright protection. Please contact the Architecture Museum staff for more information. Collection is accessible to researchers and general public. Please make an appointment with the Architecture Museum to arrange access.

                                      Research collaborators

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                                      Data citation

                                      Sedgley, W 2017, SEDGLEY, Walter Collection, University of South Australia, viewed 01 September 2024, retrieved from <>.