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                                      Water Research Australia project 1008 (WRA 1008) Metals


                                      30 August 2019

                                      This dataset covers Aluminium, Iron, Manganese and Calcium (mg/L). The dataset is part of a collection covering the grab sample monitoring data for the 4 treatment systems (S1 Conventional coagulation; S2 Magnetic Ion-exchange (MIEX) and coagulation; S3 MIEX with coagulation plus granular activated carbon filters; and S4 Nanofiltration with microfiltration pre-treatment) and associated pilot distribution system inlets (sp1-sampling point 1) and outlets (sp5-sampling point 5). The data presented is the result of a pilot scale based investigation using natural source water and does not reflect the water quality of product water from a full-scale drinking water treatment plant. This dataset was created and supplied by SA Water. The dataset is owned by SA Water but has been provided to the University of South Australia for inclusion in UniSA's Water Quality collection.

                                      Data and resources

                                      Other resources collected by the researchers may be available subject to researcher approval. Please contact AsPr Mary Drikas.

                                      Coverage area

                                      Period covered by the dataset

                                      Start date: 20 Apr 2010
                                      End date: 30 Jul 2012

                                      Research collaborators

                                      Organisations and groups

                                      Data citation

                                      Braun, K, Drikas, M, Fabris, R, Ho, L 2019, Water Research Australia project 1008 (WRA 1008) Metals, SA Water, viewed 01 September 2024, retrieved from <>.