This dataset contains bibliometric data sourced from Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC) in January 2017.
This data is from 63 Australian public library collections and includes details on:
- OCLC title number
- OCLC subject division category
- Title
- Author
- Language
- Audience
- Library of Congress call number
- Dewey call number
The associated files contain 25,000+ data points with all details of the subject categories across the 63 libraries analysed. Results show a range of distinct similarities across the collections of all libraries. An aggregated analysis of this data across the 63 public libraries is presented.
Data citation
Kelly, M 2022, The representation of knowledge in Australian public library adult nonfiction collections: epistemic factors influencing selection and evaluation: bibliometric data, University of South Australia, viewed 20 January 2025, retrieved from <>.