The Mind's Wanderlust: A Meta-Analysis of Mind Wandering, Task-Related Interference, and Learning
20 December 2024
This dataset includes the data and analysis code for the meta-analysis on task-related interference, mind wandering, and overall, off-task thought.
There are four folders, one for each phase. Additionally, there is a folder containing data about the inter-rater reliability for abstract and full-text screening phases.
The folder "01 - Title and Abstract Screening" contains all records identified for each database queried and a list of the records excluded after title and abstract screening. All files are Excel files.
The second folder, "02 - Full Text Screening", contains a list of all the papers included in the fulltext screening, a list of the excluded records along with the exclusion reason, and a list of all papers included after the full-text screening. All files are Excel files.
The third folder, " 03 - Extracted data", contains a .csv file with all the data extracted from the records.
The fourth folder, " 04 – Analysis", contains the code to analyse the extracted data. The file is a Quarto file (.qmd); the software will be needed to generate the analysis report. However, the file is plain text, and the analysis is written in R. Therefore, the analysis can be reproduced by executing the R code within the file.
Data and resources
Other resources collected by the researchers may be available subject to researcher approval. Please contact Mister Daniel Ebbert.
Period covered by the dataset
Start date: |
16 Aug 2023
End date: |
16 Aug 2023
Research collaborators
Executive Dean,Education Futures/PVC-College of Edu ,Behavioural&Social Sci
The dataset is associated with the related person
Data citation
Ebbert, D, Zamecnik, A, Wilson, N, Joksimovic, S, Dawson, S, Mirriahi, N 2024, The Mind's Wanderlust: A Meta-Analysis of Mind Wandering, Task-Related Interference, and Learning, University of South Australia, viewed 15 February 2025, retrieved from <>.