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                                      Development of an agreed set of climate projections for South Australia dataset


                                      02 March 2018

                                      This dataset was collected by the Downscaled Climate Projections for SA Project and includes development of an agreed set of climate change projections for South Australia This dataset is part of the collection that was produced as an output of Goyder Institute for Water Research funded research lead by the University of South Australia. This dataset contains a range of rainfall-runoff models for the Cox Creek catchment, Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia which enable the simulation of the quantity and quality of catchment runoff. It also contains mechanisms for water management, allocation and accounting which were not used in this project

                                      Data and resources

                                      Other resources collected by the researchers may be available subject to researcher approval. Please contact Prof Simon Beecham.

                                      Period covered by the dataset

                                      Start date: 01 Jan 2011
                                      End date: 31 Mar 2015

                                      Access rights

                                      The data is subject to the conditions of the CSIRO Data Licence.

                                      Research collaborators

                                      Data citation

                                      Beecham, S, Boland, J, Piantadosi, J, Kamruzzaman, M, Fleming, N 2018, Development of an agreed set of climate projections for South Australia dataset, University of South Australia, viewed 01 September 2024, retrieved from <>.